Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Enjoy in Moderation

Mother Nature has issues. She can't seem to hold water – or enjoy hydration in moderation. According to area forecasters, we're getting all the rain we need for the next 10 days today. We had an inch in the first hour and then there was a lighter rain and now it's pouring again. I'm sure we'll get 2 inches at least.

Unfortunately, I wasn't kidding when they predict we won't get any precipitation in the next week at least. We'll see. It always changes. I like dry and hot weather, but there are plusses to the rain – beyond farmer needs.

Since we were rained in (hubby's golf was off), I decided to get started on my Alaska digital scrapbook. I'm on my 6th page for Day One already. And that's the day we didn't do anything except land in Anchorage and walk around all afternoon.

This is gonna take me awhile. Good thing I have until Labor Day weekend, when I suspect they'll have the "unlimited free pages" sale again at Shutterfly.

In the meantime... Mother Nature, you've got a few more chances to cooperate.

1 comment:

Humaun Kabir said...

Thanks for the great post on your blog, it really gives me an insight on this topic.

date night Anchorage