Friday, July 23, 2021

Deer-Rive-Er's Education

Contrary to popular purple belief, there is one green-and-yellow thing we have a fondness for here on Blue Jay Drive. Our new John Deere riding lawn mower.

I say "new" as in new this mowing season. We had a shed delivered in December and got the rider to go in it this spring. And oh yes, this Owner's Edition hat comes with it. Since then, hubby – who holds the one-and-only key to the shed – has been the only one allowed to operate it. He's the only one who can access it after all. Plus...

His shed. His rider. His rules

He deserves to relax while mowing. Even though we've both done our share with the push mower in the past 20 years. He's older. Ha. And I usually did it for the sun and steps anyway.

Tonight, after eating fish fries at the in-laws, we mowed. I pushed around the close edges of the house and shrubs and stuff while Jim rode. He had one more section left when he whistled me over and said I could drive.

Well yee-haw!

I got scared off as soon as he mentioned a clutch. I'm an automatic kind of driver. Thankfully I shouldn't have to use the clutch once I'm started. I kind of got the hang of and it remembered 4 out of 5 instructions to shut it down.

Jim texted me a lovely photo of me and my John Deere green. As you can see, I am not wearing the hat. I don't know where he hides it. Probably the same place he keeps the shed key. And I don't really need either one!

Ride on, friends!

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