Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back to the grindstone, er, laptop

Striking Hollywood writers are back on the job today after a three-month hiatus that left us Grey's Anatomy fans in a constant state of withdrawal.

Of course I'm glad they came to an agreement reflecting something both sides can live with, but the bigger question is: What's in it for me? Will my favoriite shows be back thsi spring yet -- or do I have to wait until fall?

I did some searching and, fellow Grey's fans, rest assured, they'll be back. According to an AP report, Grey's will be back this spring for what's left of the current season, with anywhere from 4-7 new episodes. I'd say that's just enough time for Derrick to realize nurse Rose is no Meredyth, right?

The bad news is that we have to exercise some more patience. Now that the strike is over, it still could take 6-8 weeks before a new episode is aired. Jim's favorite show, The Office, may be back in 4-5 weeks. A win for both of us.

In the meantime, my Thursday night vacancy has been filled. I've become ensnared in the tangled web that is LOST, and charmed by Eli Stone. But he's no McDreamy...

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