Saturday, February 16, 2008

Memory jogger blogger

When I set out to do this blog nearly a year ago, it was to serve mainly as a creative outlet for me. I wanted, no needed, to get back into writing before I forgot how. Now I realize it has turned into something more -- a way to connect with family and friends, entertain and sometimes inspire others and, at a minimum, serve as an electronic scrapbook of sorts.

My twin sister is visiting this weekend for some serious scrapbooking time. We haven't worked on our albums in ages so we decided it was time to mark the calendar and get back to it!

I am currently working on my 2006 Family Memories album. I was puzzled with my spring pictures. First, I did not have any pictures of our annual Hedberg Easter Egg Hunt. In fact, the only Easter basket pictures of Carter were taken at our house. Secondly, there were clearly pictures taken at a swimming pool in a hotel Up North but that was not an egg hunt weekend. Then why were we there?

Raylene didn't recall us not having a hunt that year. I called my sister in Texas and she wasn't sure either. We had held a birthday party for my mom at their house at the end of March, but Easter was April 16 that year. My parents are visiting down there and when I asked them, they didn't know either.

I told hubby later: If I had been blogging back then, then we'd know!

Now I'm hoping one of my other siblings recall. Not that it matters for the scrapbook. I got those pages done today. But for my peace of mind!


Anonymous said...

So, Ang said we had one. She recalls us pulling in the driveway as some of you were already out "hiding" candy and such. (At Grandma and Grandpa's)

Ron Hedberg said...
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Ron Hedberg said...

I had to look it up since I had no photos from that year. As I had written to a friend, nobody had volunteered to host. So I volunteered.

Then on Good Friday, both Mom and Dad went to the clinic. Dad was admitted to the hospital for a few days. He had been weak all winter.

Also, Rayna was moving a few days later.

So none of the siblings got together for Easter that year.

Anonymous said...

can u believe that this old Lady remembered that we didn't have one that year b/4 reading anything else, cause Dad was sick and in the hospital. Now for everything else, i need help remembering!!!!

I am so behind reading your blog I will have to catch up here. Luv ya, Romey