Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bits and Pieces

Wisconsin Primary: I stopped by the town hall on my way home from work yesterday to vote. I was pleased see my "voter number" was 2,058. That meant that in our township of 7,500 residents and probably 2/3 of those registered voters, they'd been busy that day. Hubby pointed out that when he voted a few hours earlier, his number was 1,500. "So that's not very good. They only had 500 people vote in 3 hours." I could see his point. We shouldn't be thrilled with a 30% voter turnout. There are people in other parts of the world who are dying for the right to vote, and many of us only do it if it's convenient or wait it out 'til there's fewer choices in November. That's disappointing. Just like driving a car, voting is a privilege. A right. And the right thing to do.

Whoa, baby:
As we left things yesterday morning, I told Carter I hoped he'd get better during the day (even without taking medicine!), that he maybe just woke up feeling stuffy and it would be gone later in the morning. When I walked into the house last night, he comes bounding into the kitchen, and says: "You were right Mom. I feel fine! It was just a morning sickness!" Did I word it like that? Yikes. I hope he didn't tell his teacher that!

Nag-igator: It seems wives get a bad rap for being a nag. I look at it as being helpful, the friendly reminder lady. Very early this morning, Jim left for a business trip to Vegas (no golf clubs this time that I know of). Last night, being the helpful, friendly reminder lady, I made sure he had the camera batteries charged and his dress shoes packed. "Yes, dear." This morning at 5 a.m., just moments after he kissed me goodbye and said "Are you going to get up and work out?" (my friendly reminder), he comes back into the bedroom because he almost forgot his suitcase! I guess I should have set my alarm a few minutes earlier. Is this the part I mention that before he got to the airport, he called about something he did forget that I had to overnight to him first thing this morning? Oh, but then I would be a nag if I told you that! Darn right. And proud of it!

Total Eclipse: Don't forget tonight is a total lunar eclipse. The partial eclipse is supposed to begin at 7:43 Central Time and be a total eclipse from 9:01 to 9:51 p.m. Bundle up and check it out. I'd take pictures but my camera is in Vegas and, really, if it's a lunar eclipse, isn't it pretty dark?! Let me know your observations. And let's hope it doesn't affect people like a full moon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rick had 2 police scanners going, and you knew it was a full moon and then an eclipse by all the sqawking!! The eclipse was awesome, all the reddish colors from other suns setting is what one weatherman said. We didn't go outside, just observed it thru our back entryway window, with the naked eye (and that wasn't all that was naked!)andhigh powered binocs. Hope Carter got to stay up and see it! RN