Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Medicine Man

I knew it was going to be one of those days when I hit the snooze twice instead of just once.

I don't allow extra time in my morning routine. In order for us to get out the door by 6:45ish, I need to be done exercising by 6, out of the shower by 6:15, done with breakfast (Carter, too) by 6:30, dressed and hair and makeup by 6:45. One little delay and I am off-kilter. That's my issue. (But some days, when it seems I got up on the wrong side of the bed, I make it Carter's and Daddy's issue, too.)

Today, I cut my exercising short so I could get in the shower in time. All was on track until Carter mentioned over breakfast that he was pretty stuffed up and his throat hurt. I said he'd have to take some medicine and we'd see how the day goes in school. Not a big deal, right?

A little background about Carter and medicine: HE HATES IT!! He's always fought taking it. When he was little, he'd run and hide as soon as he saw the bottle of (usually) the pink stuff. Jim and I would literally have to hold him down. One of us pinned his arms while the other pinched his nose shut so he'd open his mouth and we could squirt the medicine in. That's how much he hates medicine!

As he's gotten older, and he has to drink a "shot" of it, it's gotten more challenging because we can't force it in. I kid you not, Carter will just look into the bathroom mirror and just psych himself out over the medicine -- to the point he automatically gags when he's drinking it. We're always like, "Quit looking at yourself! Just drink it!"

Today was no different. Jim had left for work early so I was on Doctor Duty. I poured the shot and there was the usual complaints about the taste (who doesn't love grape?!) and the deep breaths verging on hyperventilating and the gagging -- all before he even took a drink. I was trying to calm him but, in all honesty, I wasn't too calm myself. I was looking at the clock. Getting a bit antsy. I was pushy and basically telling him to drink it already so we could get on with our day.

Finally he drinks it. He didn't gag. He was just staring at himself in mirror. Then I realized his cheeks were puffy and his lips were pursed shut. He hadn't even swallowed it. "Carter, you have to swallow it! If you don't want the medicine taste in your mouth all day, swallow it!" Well that just frustrated him more, so he spit it out in the sink. That's when I added a few more dimes and dollars to my Lenten tally.

"We just wasted 15 minutes and you still don't have medicine in you and now Mommy's going to be late for work!" Insert expletives where you see fit.

I did eventually apologize to him for getting frustrated and yelling. I explained I just wanted him to take the medicine so he'd feel better. (read: Mommy was selfish and really was just concerned about getting to work!) By the time I dropped him off at the sitter's, he had apologized to me, too, for not taking the medicine and asked me to forgive him. Of course I will!

On the way to work, slippery roads prevented me from making up for lost time and I was OK with that. I needed the extra time to chat with God. I asked Him to forgive me for flying off the handle (is getting to work on time that important?), to calm me down, make me realize this is not worth getting upset about and help me see the bigger picture.

He did. It was just minutes after I arrived at work when my friend Sandy got a phone call that her dad died. It sure makes my silly little problem seem pretty insignificant! Petty really.

Take time today to hug your loved ones... Even the teens and pre-teens who don't listen or obey... Even the cranky mommies.

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