Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Sunday

Although today is considered the most important football day of the year, most people focus on good snacks and great commercials. And parties abound.

Jim went to the house of a friend who has had a Superbowl party probably as long as he's had a house. Carter and I stayed home and had our own special supper (pizza, of course) and snacks.

Carter was rooting really hard for the Patriots to win. Jim had some Fantasy Football players on both teams he needed to do well. And I just wanted a good game -- and it finally was in the fourth quarter.

In our household, we are all sort of anti-New York fans (except when they played the Packers). The Giants have killed the Vikings in more key games than I care to remember. In fact, the last game Jim and I went to at the Metrodome, the Giants just crushed the Vikes. We vowed that day we were not going to invest any more -- money or emotions -- in our Purple Pride. (We're not fairweather fans. We're just frugal fans.)

At any rate, you'd think I would have been rooting against the Giants. But I have this thing about those Manning boys. I thought it only fair that if Peyton won the big game last year, it was Eli's turn. After seeing him scramble out of the would-be sack near the end of the game to complete a very long pass, I think he deserved it.

Carter doesn't quite see it that way. He's mad that Randy Moss didn't catch the play at the end of the game. Well I guess if you are going to take your anger out at someone, it might as well be an ex-Viking.

At least the pizza was good.

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