Friday, February 8, 2008

Petty Cash

I'm always amused when someone comes into some unexpected cash and people say, "What are you going to do with all that extra money?" If you think about it, there's really no such thing as extra money. It can always be used for something, right?

Yesterday, the House and Senate overwhelmingly approved a multi-billion-dollar plan aimed at "spurring the economy" by sending rebate checks to millions of taxpayers, offering tax breaks to businesses and trying to ease the home lending crunch.

I might just use mine to throw myself one heckuva 40th birthday party. Naturally, you're all invited.

Seriously, while I won't mind receiving the rebate come summer, I don't think it will spur millions of citizens to go shopping and jump-start the economy. Since the recipients are labeled as low and middle class, I suspect most of us will be paying off bills. I mean really, how far can $1,500 go? That wouldn't even cover anything major we'd dream about -- like getting the driveway surfaced or buying the lot next door.

This is who would get the rebate: $600 would go to singles making less than $75,000; $1,200 to couples making less than $150,000; and $300 rebates will be given per child.

I'm wondering if Congress thinks the Austins will use theirs to get that large, hi-def, wall-mounted flat-screen TV they want. Or maybe a riding lawn mower. In all likelihood, it will go into savings as we prepare to replace the high-mileage Windstar.

I am going to keep the option open for a birthday bash, though. I'm pretty sure we could accommodate everyone who reads this blog and still have a little left over for a birthday gift for hubby the following week.

If the president does sign off on this deal -- and it looks like he will -- how will you use your rebate (I mean besides my birthday present, of course)?


Anonymous said...

I would hope that you & your siblings would budget $300 or so in order to fund travel to the great state of Texas for WWW X.

As for us probably will be used to pay down debt (although I'd prefer the big TV) Rayna probably is thinking of using it for partial down payment on the new CR-V she is after. The Civic now has nearly 200,000 miles

Cold snap here - only going to be in the 70's today

St. Paul

Jules said...

Maybe get the nintendo Wii- it is considered exercise you know!