Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

My sister made a comment on my blog yesterday insinuating that it was brief because I didn't have time to write much thanks to my new found alone time with hubby. Yep, that's pretty much the case. We almost feel guilty about all this fun we're having -- but not quite.

When we got home last night we ventured into town for a Legion baseball game. It got started an hour late so we didn't stay for the whole thing. Figured we should get home early enough to call the boy. He had another fun-filled day getting spoiled by another aunt. It's tough being a kid, I tell ya.

This morning it rained and thundered pretty good in Iola. For awhile there Jim and I thought we might be forced to actually sit home for a night. But it cleared up in the afternoon and got rather steamy (the weather, that is).

After work, we headed east of Iola to a little golf course called Glen Cairn, tucked in the middle of farms and fields. A nice little course. A bit hilly. Got quite the workout toting those clubs around! I had a few pretty good drives I was happy with so I can't ask for more than that. I mean I could have hoped for a par or two, but I missed those opportunities, sometimes by inches. But that is golf!

On the way home, we called Carter who was at a Dairy Queen somewhere getting dropped off by one aunt and being picked up by Grandma and Grandpa. Again, I say, it's tough being a kid, I tell ya. He was very excited to tell me he went to a flea market today and found two great finds: a Randy Moss Vikings jersey ("For only a dollar, Mom!") and a hardhat (I think he said so he's "safe when you and Dad wrestle," but it might have been our cell phone connection that got that one a bit fuzzy.)

Since Carter mentioned ice cream, I convinced hubby to stop at the King Cone in Amherst (they have flavor bursts like Shivers). About 10 miles down the road, we came upon at least a dozen flashing lights at an intersection. Every emergency vehicle imaginable tending to people from at least two smashed up cars that somehow landed in the nearby field. We were detoured around it and met at least two more State Patrols headed to the scene.

I said some quick prayers and thanked God we had the sense to stop for ice cream. Who knows, those 5 minutes may have made the difference. Jim said it also helped that I had to take some extra swings on the golf course (is he saying I stink?), because that ate up a few minutes, too. You just never know.

We are grateful for the fun we're having this week. And now, even more grateful, to be home safely in our quiet little nest.

P.S. Just saw on the news that two people died in that crash. We are now even more thankful for our safety and, as always, the many blessings and pleasures God has provided us.

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