Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Night Owls

It's not like we're partying or getting wild & crazy while Daddy's out of town, but Carter and I just seem to have one late night after another.

On Tuesday, I had a meeting for work in the late afternoon and evening in Oshkosh. So I had my friend Jana keep an eye on Carter for me. Greatly appreciated. Didn't get back to her house in Scandinavia until 8:45 p.m. and therefore not home until after 9:30. Good thing we didn't stay up to watch the longest All-Star Game on record! (Justin Morneau was my hero two days in a row!)

So we were tired this morning and had to scramble to get the garbage out, stop and get gas and a milk for Carter's lunch on the way to work. Also got our Powerball tickets set. We won $7 in last week's drawing! I guess today is either our lucky day or it all goes downhill from there.

Carter and I decided we hope it's a lucky day for Jim. He is having an enjoyable trip out East but has not found any more pieces to his family tree puzzle. Now he's down to 2 days left. We'll keep our fingers crossed!

Tonight Carter and I have yet another "engagement." We're going to my friend Becky's house for dinner and then to talk Sunday School curriculum. I think we'll just have to cut the meeting short at 8:30 whether we're done or not. Carter just needs a good night's sleep.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I did as well ... I say while sipping on my energy drink! Ahh, it's tough getting old. I can see the beauty in this "slowing down" thing much more than being a night owl!

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