Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Snippets

Two Thumbs Up: Thanks to some wicked weather, we spent last evening indoors -- after lightning chased us from a neighborhood campfire. So Jim and I watched the movie Vantage Point, which I'd rented "just in case" it rained. I realize everyone is talking about Batman this weekend, but we'd wanted to see Vantage Point since we saw the previews for it in the theater. Like most movies, though, we end up seeing them on DVD. Good movie! We both recommend it. Plenty of action and an interesting plot. It's kind of cool how the story is played out. I won't reveal any more than that, but we give it two thumbs up.

Jumping the Shark: It's been interesting to see an older golfer, Greg Norman, come out of nowhere to contend for the British Open title this weekend. The Shark couldn't quite cut it in the nasty winds over the pond. If you watched any of it, you'd know what I mean. Carter asked why we were cheering him on. We just said it'd be cool for someone twice as old as some of the finalists to come back and win it. I then showed Carter pictures of his yacht (just Google Greg Norman's Yacht if you haven't seen it before). I said if he didn't win the Open, he'd still have the yacht (and his new bride, Chris Everett). His life is almost as good as Jimmy Austin's.

Conditioning: With the start of football just two weeks away, Carter has decided he better get in cardio shape. Yes, this is the year he is playing for the Rapids Raptors -- with real helmets, pads and tackling! Once August is here, he'll be practicing 4 nights a week for two hours. A lot of that will be conditioning. If Carter can survive that, then he just has to worry about being run down by other players. So to start his program, we went running this morning. We did interval training, running a half-mile then walking a half-mile then running a half-mile. You get the picture. We'll see how he feels in the morning. Not to mention old Mom here who has been reading her Runners magazine, but not acting any of it out. I might end up being more of a conditioning coach than partner!

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