Monday, December 29, 2008

Black Monday

Today, in football circles anyway, is known as Black Monday. When the NFL employees with less-than-stellar performances this year (like the poor, winless Lions coach) get the axe. I just call it Black Monday because it's my last day of Christmas vacation!

A week can go by pretty quickly when there's Christmas gatherings and traveling involved. Even with that, I can see how a person can go from career woman to couch potato in 10 days. Not hard to do. Now granted, I did get some exercise on purpose a couple of those days. Plus, I either snowblowed or shoveled (or both) on probably 7 of the 10 days.

And, as I hoped, I listened to more Christmas music this season than probably the last 3 combined. Mostly on the car radio, but that still counts. Plus, I did manage to see at least a half-dozen Christmas movies (maybe closer to a dozen) and am on my fifth holiday book. So yeah, the couch potato transformation can be done with some effort!

I'm not looking forward to putting on "normal" clothes tomorrow. Now I know why they call these "lounge" pants! I'll probably catch myself glancing at my feet to make sure I'm not wearing my slippers, either. Wow, this really is Black Monday!

I should probably make sure I do something fun and relaxing today to keep up my reputation. But, unfortunately, I do have some work that has to get done, some writing, and then there are all those cleaning and/or organizing projects I didn't get to (guess I ran out of time).

So maybe today is more of a Transition Monday. Trying to transition my butt off the couch and into the office chair. Trying to transition those cookies into carrot sticks. And trying to transition my brain from holiday mush to 2009 business planning mode so I can be productive at work for two days before having Thursday and Friday off.

Hey, I never said I was rushing into anything!

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