Saturday, December 6, 2008


OK, I lied yesterday. I am a load. Make that two of us. This morning, while Mommy and Daddy were snuggled under their blankets, the 10-year-old was out shoveling the driveway by 7:30 a.m. Yeah, we sort of slept right through that one. Didn't hear a peep.

What a nice surprise to wake up to, though. We didn't think he was taking it seriously when we said last night, "If you get up early, you can shovel." He also took Daddy's advice to heart and did a thorough job. "Dad said it better be clean enough for me to place a piece of cake on it and eat it."

Say what? Apparently Jim said it should be smooth enough to eat lunch off of. That's still not clear to me what that means. But naturally, Carter (like me) would substitute the word "cake" for "lunch." Any time, man.

To thank Carter, I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast (well, baked them anyway). Then we all proceeded to have a day of fun. This afternoon, we picked up some friends and headed to Stevens Point for the UW-SP basketball game against Jim's alma mater, the mighty Warhawks from UW-Whitewater.

If you follow college hoops in Wisconsin, you'd know that Whitewater was supposed to have a slight edge. And they did. Until the end when Stevens Point tied it and we went into overtime. They (the Pointers) ended up winning by a basket. My how the "mighty" have fallen.

It didn't really matter to me who won. I was just glad to see a good basketball game. It was kind of cool to see some "kids" playing that we watched during Wisconsin Rapids high school games just a few years ago. They did pretty well today so that was neat.

Afterwards we stopped in Point at a pizza joint and had supper. Now we're all full -- and claiming our couches for the night. Because, wouldn't you know it, there's more college basketball on TV tonight! Go Badgers!

That's OK. We're just coming full circle. Waking up loads and wrapping up the day in the same fashion. I know. You're just jealous...

1 comment:

Ron Hedberg said...

I guess Carter couldn't claim the shovel had too many buttons.

He's a great kid. It sounds like a fun day.

Go Warhawks!