Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Movie Shorts

Typically, you won't find the Austin clan sitting down and watching a television show together -- unless it's football. Once in awhile, though, we'll find something we all want to (or should watch) together.

Last week, we enjoyed A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving followed by a short Peanuts special on the Mayflower. This was of particular interest to us since Jim and Carter are Mayflower descendants. (I should have Jim guest blog about that sometime.)

For last night's viewing entertainment, we gathered around the computer to watch a DVD of hubby's knee surgery. It wasn't the blood and gore I expected. Instead, it was a recording from the micro-camera inside the knee that the doctor actually used to guide his surgery. Pretty amazing when you think about it. You could see the bones and stuff I won't even start to describe or I'll get woozy again.

Carter and I could only handle a minute or two and then we decided it was too much. Didn't want to keep visualizing that all night! Even Jim admitted he was a little light-headed after the doctor showed him the video earlier in the day.

I guess for future family TV times, we'll steer clear of those PG movies when the PG stands for Pretty Gross!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When they did my knee "scope" in Grantsburg I was able to watch on TV like screen. I thought it was pretty neat - looked like the old pac-man video game as little pieces of cartiledge were snipped off.
