Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cold SNAP!

Did you ever have one of those days that turns on a dime? You're riding the high wave when suddenly it comes crashing down, plummeting like a roller coaster, the stock market, a bungee jumper, all waiting to hit bottom so they can resume the trek upward.

That was today.

This morning at work I made the mistake of commenting that I was having a productive day, crossing things off my "to do" list.

After my Zumba class at noon, I was floating on the endorphins of exercise, feeling good about working my keester off, joking with hubby that it would be nice to cool off with an eggnog shake. He said we'd stop on the way home. Yay!

But then my day went South. Suddenly my stress factor was growing while my patience was thinning. By 3 I told hubby we better be stopping for that shake!

Then I had more crap dumped on my desk and I called Jim at 4:15 begging him to leave early so we had time to stop for a homicide-prevention shake. Yes, it had gotten that bad. Let's just say the steam coming out my ears was melting snow.

The problem was that I got called into a quick meeting right when I was set to leave so we ended up hitting the road late. No time to stop on the way home if we were going to get to the sitter's on time. We had a major "unloading" session on the way home. Only it didn't make me feel better, it got me more riled up.

I only had about 5 minutes at home before I had to head into town for what I knew was going to be a stressful church meeting. I get there at 6 and the other committee members aren't there. I wait until 6:15, none too patient. I decided I should go get that eggnog shake after all. So I leave a note that said I was there for the 6 o'clock meeting and no one else was, but if we are still meeting, call my cell.

So I drive over to the golden arches and get in line at the drive-thru. Naturally, at this time of night it's pretty busy. They recently rebuilt our McDonald's so there are two lanes to order but they converge into one line to pay and pick up food. So it creates this weird bottleneck. Not sure why they went with this design, but tonight it ticked me off.

I get up to the ordering console. "May I help you?" Yes, I said. "I'd like a small eggnog shake." (See I planned to be good and get a small.) Then the voice of doom announced, "I'm sorry but our ice cream machine is broken." Are you kidding me?!? That's all I wanted!

So here I am stuck in the bleepin' bottleneck of drive-thru traffic, waiting to pay for a Diet Coke, and thinking, this is how people snap. This is why we hear about those random acts of violence when someone doesn't get their coffee just right. Or their bag of Cheeto's or chocolate get stuck in the vending machine. Or someone can't get their eggnog shake. It's totally logical if they had a day like mine.

I ended up getting called back to the church for a 2-plus hour meeting. By the time I got home after 9, I told hubby I was so stressed it felt like my head was going to explode. I saw a secret Santa gift on the table needing wrapping. And I hadn't even started the work I had to do!

Since our computer wasn't cooperating worth poop, I figure I'll just go to bed and go into work early.

I did have a little eggnog ice cream we had in the freezer, but it's just not the same. At least I can still say "No crimes were committed in the making of this blog entry."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why husbands sleep with one eye open - just in case someone snaps!