Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Cleansing Breath

Shhh... Can you hear that? Swish, swish. Swish, swish... It's the sound of our new washing machine with its inaugural load of clothes! Ahhh. Who would have thought it feels this good to do laundry?!

I realize it's only been 10 days since we washed clothes (8 days for Carter), but it seems like forever. And hubby was right (yep, print this page out for the record), I did not run out of clothes! We both sort of ran out of socks. Well, I still have a drawer full, but we ran out of the ones we like to wear -- or can wear in the winter anyway. That does tell me I probably can get rid of some of those! Oh well. Let me revel in this cleansing moment first!

I lucked out (in a way) and didn't have to help unload and set up the new machine. Our brother-in-law, a truck owner by coincidence, picked up the machine and helped install it -- plus took away the old one. I was outside snowblowing (yes, this old girl remembers how to do it without help) so I didn't even get to direct the unloading or installation. And it still works. Something tells me the old lady with the bad back is just not needed sometimes. The big boys came out to help, too, since it is best Jim doesn't do any lifting or deep knee bends just yet.

About the time they all got done, I was wrapping up the driveway project so we all went out to eat. A way to a man's heart is through his stomach ... so naturally, the way to tell a teenage boy thanks is by feeding him! I was going to just stay home and do laundry but I wanted Jim and Carter to share in the magical moment of the first load.

Of course, Jim is already saying the machine looks too complicated for him. "Too many buttons!" I see where this is going. I didn't fall off the appliance truck yesterday!

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