Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Bit of Luck

I'm not the superstitious sort. I don't waste time worrying about ladders or black cats or what day of the week the 13th falls on. However, I am starting to find some truth in that notion that "bad things happen in 3's."

Yes, I'm referring to this appliance hell we've been in. First the washer, then the dryer, then last night (I wish I was kidding here), the snowblower. It just wasn't doing its normal stellar job. It was stalling out (yes, I checked the gas) and leaving a path of snow in areas I was blowing. I got so frustrated I parked it in the garage and funneled my anger into manual (gasp!) shoveling.

When hubby, who was being a dear and making hot soup for supper, peeked his head out the door and asked why I wasn't using the snowblower anymore, I let out a stream of expletives about that piece of junk and resumed my shoveling. It wasn't long before two neighbor guys were over and helping Jim fix it. Apparently a pin snapped and prevented one side from rotating, so only one side was blowing snow -- thus the path of snow from the broken side. They got it fixed but did not leave before giving me some grief about breaking it and, I'm hoping based on what Jim told them, thanking me for teaching them some new words. I mean the guy 3 doors down couldn't have heard me, could he?

Thankfully our luck changed today and we had a very productive day shopping. We stopped three places and got all gifts taken care of except one that Jim will have to figure out. There was a mess of people out today and it was messy around here, too. Really wet snow coming down so we witnessed some accidents and, since luck is on our side, got home safely without incident.

But that's not all. We stopped at the Golden Arches on the way home and, as luck would have it, the eggnog shake machine was working. Yay! I sense our luck is taking a turn for the better. Now we'll just have to see how that Powerball drawing goes tonight!


Rayna Delaney said...

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I feel sooo appreciative of my old age and childlessness that I have no kids to have to run around shopping for. Hubby's grandkid's are HIS responsibility and they usually get gift cards from "Grandpa." No snow to shovel or blow steam about! On Saturday, I just walked leisurely around an outdoor market and read a book on JOY while listening to Christmas music. Thank you for reminding me on how GOOD I have it! Rayna

Anonymous said...

Ah, the joy of snow. Fluffy and white and oh yes, annoying, that's right.

Well, now that you've reached your third charm of bad luck you're done for this go, right?

Thank God for the reprieves!