Friday, January 16, 2009

Dog Days

On Carter's vocab calendar, the phrase today was "dog days." While it typically refers to the hot, sultry period of summer. It has a second meaning: A period of stagnation or inactivity. Since today was another weather day off from school, Carter decided it would be a "dog day" for him. Or, in his words, "Can we just call it a cat day?"

Frankly, with two days off in a row, it has been the dog days for him. He spent yesterday with his cousin Colin pretty much racking up high scores on video games. Today was a day with Mom and it was not quite the day at the arcade experience he was probably hoping for.

First of all, when I was off with him in December, I was "off." It was a vacation day. Today I was working from home so it wasn't the fun and games he expected. I worked late last night so that I could hopefully be done by noon today. But noon turned into more like 2 or 3 p.m.

He managed to keep himself busy reading (with heavy sighing) what he was supposed to get done yesterday and today. Then he watched a little TV and a movie. I tried to limit the Nintendo DS time. All we need is carpal tunnel surgery at 13 at the same time we'll probably be paying for braces!

We did manage to get out of the house at 4 p.m. Neither rain nor sleet nor windchill will keep us from Wal-Mart. But that was only because we needed milk and some groceries for supper. I swear!

I can vouch for the weathermen who keep expounding on how darn cold it is. It is! I'm glad we didn't send our kids out in that. And, yes, it was kind of nice not worrying about bundling up myself. I'm pretty much cold all the time the way it is!

In fact, I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner. Since I was home, I could've had my electric blanket on all day. Imagine how toasty that would be tonight! I better go take care of that now. Better late than never...

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