Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fired Up

I caught the Martha Stewart bug this morning. After baking cinnamon rolls for breakfast, I made my famous Hornet's Nest Cake for a bonfire party tonight and made some bars called Speedy Little Devils for Carter and Casey to enjoy for the Super Bowl. I was going to get some more banana bread made, too, but frankly, I was just tired of standing!

Earlier this week, my friend Sue from work invited us over for a bonfire tonight. Her son and Carter went to Kidz Camp together last year and hit it off. He was very excited this week that Carter was coming over on Saturday. We, on the other hand, didn't tell Carter about it until today.

He knew we were going somewhere but I wouldn't tell him where. He had to "buy" clues by doing homework, making his bed, reading... At about 4 o'clock he figured it out and was pretty fired up. By then he only had to wait an hour and a half before departure, so he was OK with that. (They live close enough to work where it was a 45-minute drive for us.)

We couldn't have asked for better weather. After the frigid cold we've had, today was one of those mild winter days in the 30s where you felt like you should be sitting out on your front deck! So we did not freeze around the campfire. We were able to enjoy the fire, some fireworks, then warmed up with homemade soup and chili and good conversation.

The nice thing about going to a party where you don't know many people is that you aren't going to waste your time griping about work. The conversation tends to be more general, yet positive. So Carter had a great time with a group of mostly new kids and hubby and I got to hang out and be adults. Wow. It was almost like a date!

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