Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A-Ha Moments?

I can't believe I know this (or am admitting to it), but it seems Oprah Winfrey was the first to really coin the phrase "an a-ha moment" -- you know, a moment of realization like, "ahh, I get it now."

In my life there are occasional moments like that. But more often than not, I'm having "uh-oh moments" or "oh-duh moments" or "oh @$&$! moments."

When I reached for my body wash in my gym bag after my workout today and pulled out a handful of gooey soap, guess which one I said? Nice explosion due to the cold weather. Note to self: Keep bag under your desk not in the car during sub-freezing temperatures. Sigh...

When Carter said he didn't think he had to buy a Christmas present for anyone in his class, but then remembered he drew someone's name, guess which one I said (or which one I wanted to say)? After some impatient prompting like, "Really Carter? You don't think we need to buy a gift? Why do you think you drew a name?" he agreed to ask his teacher. What do you know -- he found out, yes, there is a party on Friday (thankfully) and a $5 gift is required. Sigh...

When I thought I'd spend a minute or two looking up some family tree stuff online and came up empty-handed 90 minutes later, guess which one I said? Of course, I say it is a waste of time and I have a headache, but if I would have found something, I'd be doing the genealogy happy dance. Really, I'm not sure it exists but I know the "whoo-hoo moments" do.

When I had to say goodbye today to yet another friend/co-worker who has been "right-sized" out of our office, I think you know which one I said. Who cares about minor miscommunications, gooey messes and wasted Internet time? I am not faced with fresh unemployment at Christmas time (at least that I know of) or wondering how I am going to provide for a family of 5. Friendships, prayers and good blessings can only go so far ... but I have faith that might just be enough.

Maybe that will be my next "a-ha moment."

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