Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tooting His Own Horn

Carter informed us today that he is going to tackle the tuba as well as the trumpet for the sixth-grade band.

As he tells it, the band teacher brought in a "three-fourths tuba" and let the students give it a try. After being declared the "best in the class," the teacher said Carter could take the instrument home to practice it. "Honest, Mom, even Joey was impressed and he plays the baritone, which is the closest thing to a tuba!"

So after he tells me his plan to bring home the three-fourths' sized tuba on Friday and carry it -- along with his trumpet -- to school on Monday, he says I can "spread the word." I'm not sure who cares about his band adventures except for Daddy and me (and that may be a stretch some days), but what better place to "spread the word" than in my blog?

Yes, you lucky readers now have access to exclusive, breaking band news!

And here you thought your day was going down hill! You can always count on me and/or the other idget (I better specify, the young one) living under our roof to provide some entertainment :)

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