Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Movie Madness

It wasn't a bad day for a Monday. I don't know how I'm going to handle it next Monday when I actually have to set an alarm and go back to work! That first week of vacation went way too fast. This one's sort of starting out that way, too.

After 4 days of grazing, I finally hopped back on the treadmill today. I popped in the movie The Proposal, starring Sandra Bullock, who got a Golden Globe nomination out of it. I really liked it! Of course, I'm a sucker for a romantic comedy -- even if I have to work up a sweat (well, slightly) to watch it.

I had promised Carter we'd go see a matinee of the new Chipmunk movie today, too. So I went from one movie to the next and we saw The Squeakwel. It was your typical kids movie. Pretty cute and this one got me in a dancing mood for the rest of the day.

Until tonight. When the real drama unfolded. Unfortunately, the Monday Night Football game was not supposed to be billed as a comedy or a tragedy. But, as usual when the Vikings are playing, you can expect a little bit of both.

I guess I'll take the blame for the loss. I was a little late getting my finger nails purple-ized -- just like the Vikes were a little late getting their scoring groove on. Unfortunately, "almost" comebacks don't count if we don't win. So we have 3 crabby people in this house. And 2 of us are lucky enough we get to sleep in tomorrow.

Trust me, we'll definitely be watching a new movie... with a happy ending!!

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