Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Help Wanted

As I sit here typing this, I am accompanied by trumpet music floating up from the basement as Carter makes his way through his band book. Daddy is on the couch catching some sit-com to brighten his day. And Mommy's using up the last Christmas stamps to pay some bills.

Typical night for your typical, all-American family. For the Austins, anyway. Nothing too exciting. But sometimes I like normal.

I was saddened to hear news reports first thing this morning about another earthquake in Haiti overnight. How tragic! I couldn't even imagine what life was like 10 days ago before the quake. (They had so little.) And I certainly can't imagine it now. (They have even less.)

If this natural disaster does nothing else, I certainly hope it gives all of us a wake-up call to be very grateful for what we have. If you are reading this, you have a computer or access to one plus electricity. You have more than them. If you had a crappy day at work but still made a salary, you have more than them. Even if you don't have a job right now but still have a pillow to lay your head on tonight, you have more than them. And, if you have trouble sleeping tonight but can get up and drink a glass of clean water, you have more than them.

Today at work, we held a chili cook-off as a fundraiser for Haiti relief efforts. I donated some chili and honestly didn't care about getting any votes. I just wanted a lot of people to participate and donate to vote. My chili was all gone so I take that as a good sign we raised some money. That doesn't seem like I've done enough, but I'm sure every little bit counts.

Now every day we've got celebrities coming out of the woodwork talking about their donations to Haiti and asking for more. They have a lot to give. They should.

If you really want to feel good about giving, though, you don't have to look at a world map. Take a look in your own backyard, your neighborhood, your community. In our little city alone we've got a food pantry, a resource center for the impoverished and a shelter for domestic-abuse victims.

Can you give of your time, your money or any materials to help those in need? If you can, don't forget to thank God for the ability to do so. If you can't, ask God to nudge those who can.

We're not as helpless as we think. Not by a long shot.

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