Thursday, January 28, 2010

That's Sun-tastic!

Part of the fun of being a writer is that we get to make up words occasionally. I mean why not? When it's foggy out and our visibility is fuzzy, I say it's "fuggy." Combine a few legitimate words and it has to be legal with the dictionary gods, right? Sure.

You know who does this more than "real" writers? Weather forecasters. I can't make this up. Every weekday morning on our commute, we hear strange combinations of words or nouns that become verbs. You name it.

Today I came across the ultimate new word. I was checking out the forecast on the local television station's Web site. Today and Friday call for "suntastically cold" weather. Suntastic?? Yes it was really sunny today. And yes it was really cold. (It did get up to 7, though.) So that takes winter up to some fantastic level or something?

I've never heard of such a thing! But I love that word!

You know what else made my day suntastic?
  • Finally getting to run again at noon. My leg is on the mend. (Yay!)
  • Having rootbeer floats in the middle of the afternoon (while my heater was cranked under my desk).
  • Getting my 10,000 steps on my pedometer before I left work.
  • Having a "family reunion" at my nephew's basketball game (well all my in-laws were there anyway).
  • Getting home early enough to get two loads of laundry done.
  • Having just enough Blueberry Oatmeal Crumble left over for all of us.

What makes your day suntastic?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a very suntastic day! Blueberry oatmeal crumble sounds very, very good. ♥ Lene