Sunday, January 10, 2010

Small Victories

I am in a great mood tonight. Honestly, it has nothing to do with the playoffs or how my fantasy team did or how a certain Wisconsin team did either. Well, maybe a little. But I am biting my tongue on that one. It hurts, but I'll keep biting because I know my team could be in the same boat a week from now.

Anyway, my happiness has nothing to do with anything competitive (though I did beat hubby 2 out of 3 at cards today). It has to do with dreams and goals and that often difficult first step of action to make them a reality.

I have said for quite a while now (countless whiles now) that someday I'm going to write a book or 2 or 3... Well, it's time to let someday begin.

For the last week, I've been putting some thoughts and ideas on paper. I had an idea what direction I wanted to go with this first book, but nothing definite. For some reason, one little hair-raising incident on a slippery road today triggered an idea. Many of them, in fact. When I got home, I wrote out a plot summary, started my "cast of characters" and even wrote 2 pages!

I am thrilled that I got past the hump of just trying to get started. That's a small victory in itself! I realize there is a ton of work to do. Obviously, these things don't write themselves (or publish themselves). But I am just giddy I have concept of the story line in place. Now all I have to do is fill in the blanks. The thousands and thousands of blanks!

For the first time, though, I am not afraid.

Maybe this will be the "Year of Robyn," after all.

And my Vikings didn't lose today so that's gotta be an encouraging sign...

(C'mon, you knew I couldn't let that go.)


Anonymous said...

Way to go! I look forward to reading your book.


Christine said...

Just remember to make my character gorgeous and brilliant!

Anonymous said...

That is such GREAT news!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. I have to open myself up to possibly new possibilities in employment and it is very scary. And the thing is, there is like only 6 jobs total in the Advertiser. At one time there was sometimes 3 pages full. Just take it one day at a time or should I say, one sentence at a time. Love, Lene