Saturday, January 16, 2010

N-ice Job!

It was a warm day by Wisconsin winter standards, so we decided to hang out on the river. Sort of.

Our nephew Colin, who normally sits behind the wheel of a stock car, decided he'd give snowmobile racing a try this winter. Jim got to see him race two weekends ago. But since the temp was in the single digits and the windchill was below zero, I passed on that one.

Today, though, was no excuse. Sunny, mid-30s -- almost didn't need a jacket! Plus, I have been really curious to see what this "Kitty Kat" racing is all about. So we headed up to Rusty's Backwater Saloon (outside of Stevens Point on the Wisconsin River) to see.

First thing I notice is the track (situated on the iced-over river) is a pretty small oval, almost a circle. But then I see why it doesn't need to be very big. These are tiny "sleds" in this competition. There are classes for kids and adults -- and they call this the Big Boys Series.

Colin was racing in two divisions. I don't know they're called, but one of his sleds is green #99 and the other is the traditional Reffner Blue #87. In this photo you can see Jim in the background (brown jacket) standing next to his sister Sherry, the proud racing mom. I'm taking the photo from the opposite side of the oval, so you can what I mean by a small track.

Colin's friend Cody (on the left) actually got him into this. They had fun racing neck and neck in this heat race. I think Cody wanted me to mention he beat Colin (just for the record, you know).

The feature race was pretty exciting by Kitty Kat standards (nothing like stock cars). Colin managed to catch the leader and pass him for the win.

Does this picture look familiar? Not only is Colin hoisting a checkered flag, his snowmobile is painted to match his race car. Pretty cool, huh?

You see he's got the "pose with the trophy" down. (Lots of experience!) You can also see how little those sleds are! It was certainly something different to see.

Afterwards, we went inside and wolfed down some of Rusty's fine chicken strips (Carter and I are quite predictable, aren't we?). We were home by dark and I think we'll be ready for bed by 8. All that fresh air! Just like a summer day on the river -- without the sunburn (but we're still talkin' racin'!).

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