Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Little Women

Ask Carter any day of the week what he knows about women and he'll answer, without hesitation, "They suck the life right out of ya!" Now he's learning it can apply to all females.

Yes (though Mommy is only pretending to be sad), Carter got dumped by the redhead. Did I not see this coming?

I was suspicious over the two-week break that she never called and never "showed up" next door to play. But then thought perhaps she was busy with family. I asked Carter about it last night and he said it's over. He thinks.

"Well it's not like she's even told me yet," he said. "She's telling everyone else and they're telling me like we're playing a game of Telephone."

Poor kid. I told him I felt bad if his heart is broken (because I do feel bad), but he said he'll be fine. He'll get over it.

I asked him tonight if she said anything today to him. He said, no. She just giggles with her friends. I said, "Well, you know what you always say..." And he says, "Yeah, but Mom, she's not even a woman. She's a girl."

Well she's a little woman, son. Sometimes they (or do I say "we"?) start early.

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