Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

The mighty Stratford Tigers came to town tonight for some boys hoops action at Assumption High School. This is a big deal for the Austin men because the elder set (like my father-in-law) hail from there and the younger ones (like hubby) are Assumption grads.

We went to the game knowing we'd pull for our nephew Colin in the JV game -- which we lost by a sizable margin -- and still cheer for the home team when the varsity squads hit the court. However, if that Austin kid on the orange and black team (belonging to Jim's cousin) scored, we'd be happy for him, too. It's family, after all.

As it turned out, the varsity game was pretty exciting at the end. The Royals almost came back but fell short by a mere 3 points. Too bad. But that Austin from Stratford had a good game.

I was just glad we were out of the house and I wasn't force to do my new workout DVD! Oh yes, I tried something new last night and I am paying for it dearly. Both Carter and I are.

Since my right leg has been bothering me -- usually about 3 minutes into a run or walking -- I thought I'd do a shorter workout with less cardio time. If you've ever watched The Biggest Loser, you know who Jillian Michaels is. I bought her 30 Day Shred DVD, which suggests a person could get a ripped (or "shredded") body doing her 20-minute interval workouts -- offered in 3 levels of intensity.

The key word is interval. Just 2 minutes of cardio, 2 minutes of strength, 1 minute of abs... then start over. Done in 20 minutes. Sounds easy, right?

Well, I thought so. I even convinced Carter to do it with me. We wisely started at Level 1. It didn't seem too bad at the time. In fact, I was thrilled that my leg didn't bother me because the cardio stints weren't long enough for that pain to set in.

The bad news: That pain did set in. Today.

Carter and I are both hobbling around because our thighs, mainly, are killing us! I had a hard time holding my curling iron this morning, too, but my arms aren't doing as bad as I expected after those push-ups.

The thing is -- if you want results (as pictured on the DVD case), you gotta Shred every day if possible. No pain, no gain. Well, we got the pain part down. Now we just gotta gain some momentum to get back at it. Tomorrow.

Unless there's another basketball game we just can't miss!

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