Sunday, January 31, 2010

A.D.D. it Up

Here's one for you: Is Attention Deficit Disorder a bad thing if you can still claim to be productive?

I'm not sure where the weekend went. But I've got a pretty good idea...

I woke up Saturday morning and, unbeknown to me, the spirit of Martha Stewart had overtaken my body. So I made a cake and a batch of cookies and got the vacuuming done -- all before noon. Now honestly, the only reason hubby calls me Martha is because he thinks I expect my TV crew to clean up after me. But I was a good girl and took care of my dishes. (This time.)

Yesterday afternoon, all 3 of us headed to work for awhile and from there went northwest of Iola to a friend's house for a bonfire. (See, there was a reason I was making treats.) Despite the frigid temps, we managed to keep warm enough between the fire and the homemade chili. Enjoyed another night under the full moon, too! Thanks to spending several summers at Kidz Camp in Iola, Carter has become friends with their son. So he actually stayed overnight there last night.

When we got home, hubby headed out to the hot tub and I made the mistake of checking email. The only reason I say "mistake," is because my A.D.D. flared up and I forgot all about those wonderful opportunities that exist when there is not a child in the house...

I got an email from a distant, distant relative who is doing family tree work on the mutual parts of our tree. She and her husband got my email address from my mother (who thinks the e in email stands for eager not electronic) so I have been expecting to hear from them. So naturally, I put on my genealogy hat and spent a good half hour reading and responding to their inquiry. Then wondered why hubby was so warm when I got to bed! Doh!

This morning we both went to late church, though. No alarm. Yay.

After church, I continued some correspondence with my "new" cousins. You see, the thing with genealogy is that it can really consume you. Especially if you are on a hot trail of new information. You look at what you have. You see what someone else has. Do they go together? Are these the same people? What else do I know and where did I put it?

Honestly, that was most of my day and evening. Somewhere in there, I did go pick up Carter. I did wear my Martha hat again and whipped together some banana bread. And also went with Jim to the funeral home.

Pre-ancestry obsession, I had every intention of getting some scrapbooking done this weekend. Or at least some things organized for an upcoming camp. I did not get to that. YET. Thankfully, I still have a little bit of time on my side for that. And, if I honestly think about it, those ancestors of mine aren't going anywhere either. So I could actually spend a little time with the guys...

What? The Grammys are on? And the Pro Bowl? And I only walked 2,700 steps today? Ooooh, I was gonna start that new book...

What to do... what to do...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!