Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sweet Revenge

The regular football season is officially over now. It was a strange season since neither hubby or I could stomach certain personnel changes on the Vikings.

While hubby threatened to become the world's biggest Lions fan when Favre signed, he couldn't really get into it. They just don't air many Lions games here.

So we'd watch the occasional Vikings game when they were actually on TV and cheer for a victory for the whole team. We just couldn't bring ourselves to say, "Great throw, Favre!" Instead we'd be more apt to say, "Nice catch, Rice!" or "Way to go, Adrian!"

We've been sort of watching quietly and haven't really felt the excitement of winning and heading to the playoffs that we have in other years. But I will say today was a longtime coming.

It was 9 years ago now that the Giants handed our butts to us on a platter in the NFC championship game. They beat the Vikes 41-0! Today, when we were seemingly running up the score, I didn't care what it looked like to the casual observer. Viking fans know we needed to stick it the Giants -- and stick it big. A 44-7 victory was sweet revenge, indeed. I only wish it happened during a more critical game... like, say, something post-season!

Oh well, beggars -- and those set on revenge -- can't be choosers. We'll take what we can get. (And hope there's more where that came from!)

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