Monday, June 6, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting

Growing up out in the sticks, not close enough to town to walk and not old enough to drive, the only means of gainful employment for a girl like me was babysitting.

My sister Rachel was 4 years older than me so we had to wait until she was old enough to have a life so we could get her weekend babysitting jobs and make some money. Then, of course, we had to split them between my twin and me. But a little pocket change now and then was better than nothing.

By high school, we could make even more by babysitting for the summer. One summer I had the privilege of watching my cousin's two angels, alternating weeks with a friend, and another summer I split time with my twin Raylene watching a 4-year-old boy. After I graduated, I babysat my little nephew Timmy, who now has a boy of his own and another one on the way. Time flies!

Babysitting isn't always easy money. Sometimes kids are naughty. And sometimes they are just old enough they don't need naps -- then, when you are working a whole day, you must entertain them for hours on end. At least that's how it seems when you're a kid watching a kid!

Today, somehow we find ourselves in the position that we no longer need a babysitter for our son and he, in fact, is the one doing the babysitting! It doesn't seem right that we've come this far already.

Carter had his first day of "work" at a summer job! On Mondays he'll be watching a girl and boy in town who we've come know quite well in recent years. Their dad is a brother to one of my best friends and their mom is my scrappin' sister. So basically, they are like "extended family."

We dropped him off at 7 and picked him up around 4:30. There were no broken bones (or furniture), no fires and no one was crying. I guess that was a good day! Actually, he said it was good and quite enjoyable. They alternated time indoors and out since it was pretty hot outside. He also brought a craft project to do (t-shirt painting) and is going to teach them sign language over the coming weeks. So he's got ideas to keep them busy!

Of course, the main reason he's doing this besides the experience, is the green stuff. I think he's going to find babysitting will get him closer to buying that go-kart than picking up cans in the ditch.

But let's not fool with Mother Nature. We better keep that can-collecting mission going or she'll send even more mosquitoes!

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