Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bully for You!

You can't swing a dead cat around these here parts without hitting someone talking about or asking about the latest controversy in Wisconsin Rapids.

Even my long-distance readers may have heard about it on the news or saw it on the national crime news website The Smoking Gun. Yes, I am talking about the fact that 4 wrestlers from the Rapids state championship team face charges of "disorderly conduct" for allegedly bullying and/or sexually harassing another student in the locker room.

I won't get into the shameful details, alleged details, but there was a quick reaction in the community. There are definitely people on all sides of this case -- and they haven't even gone to court yet.

We have the contingent that feels that this is just "typical locker room behavior" that happens everywhere and this shouldn't be blown out of proportion. We have those who say these are good kids that wouldn't do any harm. We have the group claiming that Lincoln's dominant wrestling program has always gotten preferential treatment and it's about time someone got caught.

Then there's the group of people like me -- we don't really care about the circumstances and who is involved (although the more I hear, the more sickened I become)... We just have no tolerance for bullying.

As someone who has been picked on and seen how upset my child has been at various times over bullying, I absolutely abhor such behavior. And just today I learned about how devastating it truly can be for a victim.

I heard from an old friend who I've kept in touch with the last 15 years since we geographically parted ways. He has kids, including a daughter Carter's age. He told me how she had been picked on at school a bit, but he did not know she was being bullied regularly -- until it was too late. She couldn't handle it anymore and took her own life.

I was floored when I heard. Absolutely speechless. What can I say for comfort when I know it would feel like someone was ripping my heart out if something happened to Carter? My friend has been devasted with grief and guilt. You name it.

Does bullying really have to come to this? Criminal charges? Death?

I think it's already gone too far.

I don't pretend to have any inside information on this Rapids case. But I can tell you that there are some kids out there who could use some prayers. And parents, too.


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