Thursday, June 23, 2011

Surprise Birthday Party

My brother -- my only brother -- turns 50 tomorrow so we are having a party Up North! I don't know what kind of party exactly, but I have to wake up at 5 a.m., hit the road by 6 to be in a little border town called St. Croix Falls by 10. Then, who knows?

This birthday adventure, as mysterious as it is, is my brother's idea. He loves the outdoors. He loves bonding with nature -- and family. And enjoys exploring his -- and our -- creative side. So he has some sort of adventure or two planned for us.

All I know about the first one is that it leaves the park -- on foot -- at 10 a.m. So I am bringing good walking/running shoes and my camera. Oh, and bug spray. I also had to pack some supplies from my Scrap Cave but I don't want to give too much away. And I can't really because I have no idea what they'll be used for. It's almost like a surprise birthday party but the guests are the ones who will be surprised.

Sounds fun to me!

Even my sister Rayna is flying up from Texas for the "event." Like her, I have no idea what to pack since it has scarcely quit raining since last Saturday. And it has been so cold. But the weather channel insists it could be sunny and mid-70s tomorrow. Let's hope so!

My plan is to log out, go pack, get up on time, pick up my stepson Casey in Eau Claire at the halfway point (yes, he is getting up before 8 a.m.!) and cruising into the park at 9:59. No sense getting up one minute earlier than I have to, right?

Us old folks -- well, not THAT old -- need to rest up before something big like this, brother!

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