Monday, June 27, 2011

Wild Life

When my 50-year-old brother throws a wild party, he doesn't skimp on the WILD.

He sent us out (voluntarily, of course) into the wilds to see what we could capture in our in our minds or with our cameras... Interesting textures, brilliant colors, unusual wildlife. I think I saw it all! Here are just few of the highlights:

First, the splash of color...
Never have I seen mushrooms like this. My sister and I were walking on a path and just happened to glance left and saw them aways into the woods. Not hard to miss when they were so big and brilliant!
This one on the side of the fallen log was way bigger than a bread box! Weird, huh?

I like to call this next section "A Bug's Life"...
I was not kidding about the variety of dragonflies. I wish they would have spread their wings, but I still enjoy the contrast.

And their big, buggy eyes are only slightly disturbing compared to other images further down!

This one I was happy to see some of the "veins" in the wings and on the leaves. This was only in about 4 tries, so not bad.

This goes to show they are not all pretty. This brown-eyed bandit is downright ugly and he creeps me out a bit. I actually saw him on this branch in the ditch when we were walking back to the park parking lot. Yes, I've got an eagle eye now!

Or so I thought. I found out as I cropped in a few pictures that I got more than I bargained for.

WARNING: This next section is PG...

As in Pretty Gross! I did not know this guy was eating a Daddy Longleg for lunch when I tried to capture him on this fern. Ewwww!

And as in Pretty Graphic.... I did not know when I was focusing on the dragonfly on this leaf that he had landed smack in the middle of a "bug bedroom." See the husband and wife in the foreground are having some noontime fun!

Sorry... Here's something to get that image out of your head...
Scenic and definitely wild. That's how we party in the Northwoods!

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