Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Age is Just a Number

For some reason, I lose track of my age during non-milestone years. If it's between one of those 5-year deals, then I just guess. Am I 36 or 37? No, 40. And now, am I 41 or 42? No, this is the 3rd anniversary of your Birthday Extravaganza!

What? Already?

Time does fly when you're having fun ... and your body fights you on it!

But for a non-milestone, weekday birthday, it was a darn good one.

Hubby worked from home today so he could could be here when they delivered our new flat-screen TV. That was just coincidentally arriving on my birthday. I'm pretty sure I'm not in line for that big of a gift! So I didn't get to see him all day and our plan to golf right after work in Iola had to be revised.

My first stop of the day was the chiropractor. If that's not a sign of age, I don't know what is.

Then it was off to a normal workday... with cake. I made a Hornet's Nest Cake last night so I would have something to share. And could handle the leftovers, of course. Went for a 4.3-mile run at lunch. (It just looked like a good number.)

On the way home, I had permission to stop at King Cone and have ice cream for supper. Had a little cup of After Dinner Mint ice cream so I took care of my mint and my ice cream!

Got home and opened the non-TV gifts from hubby. Two very cool Minnesota Twins shirts that I am not ashamed to wear. No matter how their season is going! I was excited one of them is a tank top since we'll be at Target Field in 6 days and July 4th is typically hot. Can't wait!

At 6 p.m., Jim and I went golfing at The Ridges. Managed to get 9 holes in before the sun started setting. Shot a 56 and I will take that my second time out this year. (And thanks, hubby, for allowing the 3 Birthday Mulligans!!)

Got home in time to read lots of birthday e-wishes from family and friends and my twin sister. The only one I will not hear from -- for the first time in 13 years -- is my baby boy! I somehow suspect his day at camp was just as good as mine, though. It's his baptism birthday today, so maybe he got cake, too!

If not, I'll save him a piece. Not sure if they'll be any ice cream left, though!

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