Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ball Park Pics

We were all pretty wiped out today from 2 days at the ball park. I suspect we'll have to get used to that in the coming month!

Today we didn't have much chance to recover, either. I got my 7-mile run in at sunrise (too hot already). Then Carter and I went to church and helped set up for the church picnic we had after the 2nd service. We just had time to eat and try to dunk our pastor in the dunk tank (no success), then we had to go to practice for the tournament team. I hung out there a little bit but really needed to get home and put my feet up.

I managed to get laundry done and upload some weekend photos. Figured I better share since that was my accomplishment for the day!

Carter waits for a good pitch. He's been hitting the ball well for league. Nothing like last year when he was stepping away from the ball or waiting for a walk. He wants to hit and hit hard! That's way more fun for all of us.

Here's another handsome fella on the team! Coach Austin is looking too serious -- it almost looks like he's daring me to take the photo. But I'm really sneaky!

Carter gets ready at second base. You can just tell it's hot out, can't you??

Carter gets ready to cover third base. For league, the players move around and play just about every position. Even pitcher...

I hate when it's so hot, my makeup runs! Sometimes the boys have that problem, too. Here Carter is concentrating before his pitch. (Momma likes this picture!)

And the windup...

And the grunt...... The pitch...

...and the follow through!

The pictures turned out better than his strike count. But at least he gave it a try. The problem with a flawless pitching debut last month for Assumption, is that he expects to repeat that every time.

Sounds like me and my golf game! Though I've never had that first flawless one to compare to.

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