Monday, June 20, 2011

And We're Back...

Blogging to you live from my very own kitchen table. Yay! All is right in our cyber world once again!

Thankfully my father-in-law was willing to hang out with the hissy cat this morning so that Mr. Fix-It could stop by. Otherwise, we would have had to wait until Friday. Not good, not good.

Also not good when I think how dependent we are on technology. How it's as much a part of our daily lives as hitting the snooze, showering and taking daily vitamins. I don't watch much TV really, but when a great golf tournament is going on, that's tough to miss. Plus, I really needed to see our radar this weekend -- even though I couldn't have done anything to change it.

It was almost a relief to go back to work this morning and have access to all my "must have" data.... like emails and Facebook posts. So essential to life. Not.

When I talked to my dad for Father's Day, I was reminded how simple life can be when you're not missing all that information at your finger tips. They get their info through a printed newspaper of all things. Oftentimes they get it through this venue called "word of mouth" and sometimes it comes through this device called the telephone. Crazy, huh?

I don't know if I can stretch that far back, but it's good to keep our options open for the next time. (And I'm sure I speak for my wireless neighbors when I say, let's hope there won't be a next time!)

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