Thursday, June 30, 2011


Well here's a mood killer for you...

Hubby and I enjoyed our last night "alone" by going to dinner at El Mezcal. Enjoyed a tasty meal followed up with some sort of deep-fried cheesecake. Yum. I thought, this is going to be a good date night.

Got home and walked right past this, like it must have been 2 inches from me and my bare feet in sandals....

Yeah, I know. Major mood killer! EEEEEEK!

I must say when Jim saw it -- after he had walked past it without seeing it too -- we were both pretty freaked. Forgive me, but I just couldn't stop saying words that started with F! Just freakin' freaky. To put it mildly.

Anyway, Jim called the next door neighbor over and I grabbed the camera. Even though my hands were shaking and I couldn't focus it and I couldn't stop that string of F words -- I still had to take a darn photo for my blog!

I'm pretty crazy when I'm hisssss-sterical.

So Jim and Mick got some shovels and I figured they were going to slaughter it. I didn't need to see that so I locked myself in the house -- perhaps for forever -- so I wouldn't have to witness that! But they didn't kill it. They just threw it across the creek!

Uhm, guys, if it comes back, I so am having this heart attack I started to have 2 hours ago! Yikes.

The only good news is that a Bull Snake is non-venomous. So even though they can be 6 feet long -- and this one was more like 3 I think -- they can't kill us humans. We can, however, die of the aforementioned heart attack.

Any bets on what I am going to dream about tonight. S-s-s-sweet dreams!

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