Monday, September 19, 2011

Easy Does It

Knowing there would be a good chance I just might be a bit sore today, I did some pre-emptive icing of my back and my legs last night. I think it helped a little bit.

I was able to leap out of bed in a single bound. Well, a slow-motion bound. I was a little stiff and sore. I kind of felt like I'd been hit by a truck. But it was one I managed to outrun for 13 miles and it only got me in the last .1!

How did I get through the day?

In a word: Friends.

I got a congratulatory cup of McCafe caramel latte from my friend Toni at the start of the work day. Got some nice high fives from other co-workers. Shortly after I got home, my friend Christine came over -- with ice cream! -- and we sat and relaxed in the hot tub for an hour. Then, right after she left, my BFF from high school called to say congrats. What great friends! Thanks for supporting me!

Interspersed with all that was my other friend: Ibuprofen.

That got me through the dreaded "day after" until my marathon-ing buddy mentioned, "You know, it's always the second day after that gets you!"

Nice. I better get to bed. I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring!

But then, when do we?

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