Saturday, September 3, 2011

Grass is Always Greener...

I'm guessing today's heavy rainfalls were not welcome by holiday weekend campers forced to spend their Saturday indoors. But our lawn is thrilled. It seems like it turned from brown to green overnight and just keeps getting greener!

We're pretty grateful we escaped it all yesterday when we were golfing. This morning, hubby and I got lucky and managed to stay dry during his walk and my run, too. Though, not completely dry. With humidity at 100%, we pretty much looked like we'd been through the wringer by the time we got home. I would have preferred running in the rain -- it might have cooled me off!

Since the scattered rain showers were so unpredictable, I pretty much decided I'd stay indoors after that. Did get some shopping done but then I baked some cookies to deliver to our oldest boy at college tomorrow, then did my regular Saturday chores.

Now it's time for some homework! Yes me, not Carter. We're having our 2nd annual Austin family fantasy football draft tomorrow and I haven't given it any thought. Since we're road-tripping to Casey's in Eau Claire, I guess I can probably learn what I need to on the way. At least I can print out some "cheat sheets" tonight.

For real, I think Carter might have some reading homework this weekend. But he's watching the movie 2012 now and, after that's over, he'll probably be convinced he just has to skate by in 8th grade since school -- and the world -- won't be around for 9th grade.

Our grass may be green, but I'm sure to a teenager it's greener in a world without school!

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