Friday, September 9, 2011

TGIF (Thank God it's a Four-day week)

For a 4-day work week, it sure was a long one! Of course, what do I expect when I had a 4-day weekend preceding it? It only makes sense I was a bit behind and had plenty to do!

Now that Labor Day weekend has passed, we also are done with "Summer Hours" -- that much appreciated 3 p.m. dismissal on Fridays. So the long week got just a bit longer!

Carter did call and indicate football practice was getting over at 5:30 instead of 6 so we sort of dismissed ourselves a bit early. Got to practice with time to spare so hubby got out to talk to some of the other dads and I stayed in the car and finished a book.

What I didn't know was that when he got out, he left the lights on. So some 30 minutes later when we were set to leave, the car was not. No sound. No click. No nothin'. A dead battery!

Fortunately, Jim's Uncle Joe only lives 2 or 3 blocks from the practice field. So he came over with his high-powered pickup and jumper cables and gave us a much-needed boost! Thank God for family.

Without any further delay, we could get our Friday on. Nothing jump starts a weekend like a dead battery! I'm pretty positive about that... Or is it negative? (Glad I left the live wire stuff to the guys!)

Got home with just enough time to eat a little bite, grab some sweatshirts and go to the varsity Assumption Football game. Good game. They shut out Abbotsford 29-0! Did get chilly enough that I actually drank a cappuccino. Now I'm waiting for my blanket to warm up and just may find my way to the hot tub.

Now that's getting the weekend started. TGIF!

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