Sunday, September 4, 2011

Signs of the Season

Sure signs that Autumn is almost here -- or perhaps it has already arrived!

Animal Instincts: I heard a strange sound this morning that I hadn't heard in months. Sylvester was purring into my ear, which meant she was sleeping on my pillow. Now our cat only sleeps between hubby and me when it's cold weather and she needs to snuggle in our warm bed. Usually November to April. If she's already hopping into bed now, just 3 days into September, that can't be good. I suspect she knows something is about to change.

Fantasy Football: Oh it's definitely football weather --even for fantasy football. A cool somewhat rainy day like today was perfect for road-tripping to Eau Claire for our Austin family football draft. Jim, Carter and I picked up our nephew Colin and met the college kid Casey at Buffalo Wild Wings. We ate some got spicy food, then made some hot picks for our fantasy teams. Since it's just me and the guys -- a 6-team league -- no one really has a bad team. It's still fun, though, and I can't wait to fight like a girl and show those boys a thing or two. (Yes, it's always easy to talk smack before the season starts!)

Wind Chill: When we got home, I took a little 2-mile walk to stretch my legs and I didn't even break a sweat. And I was wearing long sleeves. Yup, it's definitely a turn-around since the hot muggy 90 degrees of Sept. 1! I was looking at the weather website and they actually have a windchill listed! Don't worry, it's above freezing. But sometime tonight it will dip into the 30s.

Don't tell the cat, but I already turned my blanket on! And that is the biggest sign of all. Welcome, Fall!

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