Friday, September 30, 2011

Unlucky 13?

A friend of mine told me before we left town "If you make the news, then you know you had a good weekend!" Well....

Who would have thought the WILD part of Wild Women's Weekend 13 would be a major wind storm that would knock out our power for 10 hours? What a crazy night!

After the 7 of us met for lunch at Curly's Pub in Lambeau Field -- a thrill for 5/7 of the sisters -- we drove in rain and wind up to Sister Bay. With one stop for ice cream (of course!) along the way. We checked in to Birchwood Lodge and are situated in a renovated farm house (very cool) on a resort, where the rest of it is all a hotel.

We figured we'd wait until if was a least not raining to see the town -- which should be today. After a meal out (great pizza) we came back to the Birchwood Lodge to relax and play some dice game (CLR). The rain was pouring, the wind was howling, the shutters (or something) were clattering... and yet we still made so much noise with our laughing, etc, we couldn't hear it!! (That's why we get a separate building/cabin/cottage... always!)

When the power went out about 9 p.m., we kept shaking dice by candlelight and flashlight. We were a bit unnerved heading to bed in the dark ... insert scary farm house horror movie plot here. Sheesh.

Out the windows, we could see nothing but blackness in the town with the occasional emergency vehicle light. We hoped two things at this point -- that nothing would land on the house or our vehicles... and that it wouldn't get too cold without heat. We got lucky.

A little after 6 a.m. we heard the trucks on our street and the lights (lots of them all over the house) came on. Not too much of a hardship to be without power for 10 hours when you can sleep about 7 of those! What we learned on the news (yes we made the news!) is that Door County was hardest hit by this wind storm with 50 mph winds and 7,000 people without power.

Is this sister weekend unlucky 13?

You'd almost think so. But we all survived. I even have internet access now... and that sun is trying really hard to break through the clouds.

Looking good from here!

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