Saturday, October 1, 2011

Seeing the Light

After 2 days of rain, clouds and high winds, we saw the light today. And it's called the Sun. And it was awesome.

Still a bit cool today with highs in the 50s but just having lower winds -- 10-20 mph instead of 30-60 mph -- was so nice for us! Had a full day of seeing various parts of the Door peninsula including, naturally, seeing the light -- as in lighthouse!

After breakfasting at Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant, where goats ate grass on the roof and I had ice cream for breakfast (seriously, it was on the menu with my pancakes), I thought my day couldn't get any better. But then there was Cana Island.

I love that lighthouse. When I saw it 15 years ago, I swear there was no option to climbing it. But there was today. What's 97 steps when I can say I've been in a lighthouse?

Well, my legs weren't the problem... it was my brain. I couldn't exactly shut off my fear of heights. So I clawed my way to the top, breathing deeply, doing my best to not look down or let go of the railing. Let me tell you, it was cold and windy at the top, and I was a bit (OK, a lot) unnerved. But the view was worth it!

We all enjoyed the gorgeous scenery along the shore there and every where we could get to. Some road were still closed with downed trees over them and all state parks are closed due to storm damage. So that limited our options, but we still took in some great views, some more great shopping, a stupendous sunset and dinner at the Viking Grill.

Hey, if my day starts with ice cream, ends with Viking and has a lighthouse somewhere in between, you know life couldn't get any better!

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