Monday, October 31, 2011

Now That's Spooky

Probably the scariest thing that occurred today had nothing to do with evil monsters, haunted houses or trick-or-treaters.

Nope, the scary thing is that I am having withdrawal symptoms... withdrawing from Carter's childhood!

Where did the time go? I remember the days of carving pumpkins together, taking him trick-or-treating and having everyone "oooh" and "aww" over how cute he was in his costume. This year we did not carve a single pumpkin and he went trick-or-treating with some of his "ghoul-friends" from school. (Yes, he's too old now but I made him dress up!)

Daddy and I stayed home, reminisced and passed out candy to a record number of trick-or-treaters -- 11! That's twice as many as last year. And that includes one ex-girlfriend of Carter's from 5th grade who is either stalking him or just hoped to see him. And who wouldn't? I wanted to say, "Thanks for breaking my son's heart. Here's your Kit-Kat. Now go!" But instead I was nice and just said, "Carter's not here" -- which a protective mother might have said even if he was home. Wouldn't she?

When I told Carter about his red-headed visitor (oh, you remember the red head, don't you?), he just rolled his eyes. Bless him.

He also said he may be willing to share his Halloween candy -- all but the peanut butter cups. Not fair. Either way I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

He's changed his costume and is now dressed as a mopey teenager who has too much homework and shouldn't have gone trick-or-treating.

He's pretty convincing.

Happy Halloween!

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