Friday, October 28, 2011

Heading Out

The kids are off of school today for some imaginary teachers' convention so I took today off, too. As it turns out, though, I am not spending any time with my child.

Carter slept in while I went to see my chiropractor for the third day in a row. Making some progress there but still not 100%. Came home in time for hubby and I to go to the funeral and burial ceremony.

Now I have my scrap packed and I am heading Up North, sort of, to my friend Becky's cottage -- where we will scrapbook to our heart's content (as long as my back holds up). It's not too far away, about an hour, but there is no "connection" up there so I will be computer-free and possibly phone-free.

I don't expect great amounts of productivity, just enough to keep my mojo going on the 2011 album and leave plenty of time for some good girl talk.

See you on the flip side!

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