Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hip to be Square

It's amazing a body can endure an entire half-marathon, but then be put in its place after a dinky little 2-mile run.

Not sure what caused it, but my hips (mainly my left) have been bothering me since Saturday -- sometime after I forced Carter to go on a run with me down to the dead end and back. It's only 2 miles and we probably walked a third of it for his sake, but later, I was feeling it.

It could be combination of the new Jillian Michaels exercises I was doing this weekend, too, but really? Could that tiny little change mess up my muscles and super strong bones fortified routinely with good ice cream calcium?

Who knows? All I know is that it is not a constant pain or discomfort but when it does strike, it's wicked. If I was a dog, it would probably be diagnosed as hip dysplasia. But since I'm a stubborn human like my old man, I'll probably ride it out, well rest it out, and see if it doesn't get better in a few days.

Yes, it was stupid of me to try to run again today. I thought maybe I'd loosen things up. I never claimed to be very smart -- just determined, I guess.

Guess I'll tone down the hip-shaking moves a few days and keep my running shoes in the corner.

It sucks getting old.

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