Friday, October 21, 2011

Barber's Remorse

I've heard of "buyer's remorse" -- when you re-think your purchase after you get home and realize you shouldn't have spent the money on the item. I wonder if there is "barber's remorse" for customers regretting a new hair cut. Or head shaving.

Carter is not going to admit he made mistake.

Not after getting all the girls' attention all day in school. But tonight he did not want to go shopping at Wal-Mart with me. His only explanation was, "I'm not going out in public." Why not? He just points to his hair -- or what's left of it.

OK, you spent all day in school with it. Why the sudden change of heart? He says it's because I don't like it. It's gotta be something else because a mom's opinion does not often matter to a teenager. He suggests I shave his whole head to even it out. I'm not about to make him a skin head. I guess I prefer a Mohawk. (For now.)

So he didn't go with me, but no more has been said about it.

Daddy and I were teasing him tonight that he must have lost some of his brains in the head shaving, though. We were playing cards (3 to 13) and he discarded a wild card for Daddy. Either he wasn't paying attention or he's lost some of his reasoning brain cells.

It didn't bother me. I ended up winning anyway! Yes, I'm gloating. We have a long season of cold nights and card playing ahead of us and I may not get the chance again!

And as tradition warrants, there's eggnog chilling in the fridge for the victory "shot."

Heck, they were out of the Candy Corn M&M's so I just had to move onto the next season. I'm sure Carter will be covering his noggin with a winter hat one of these days too!

Until a girl walks by and wants to run her hand through his hair. Then that barber's remorse will disappear as quickly as my first quart of eggnog!

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