Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Calling All Saints

Today is All Saints Day. With my non-Catholic upbringing, I'm not completely sure what it takes to be a saint. But I have a good idea.

We call my brother Paul "St. Paul" sometimes because he and my sister have graciously hosted my parents down in Texas several winters. Since my sister still works, her retired saint of a hubby entertains his in-laws day after day.

That earns sainthood in my book.

Have you heard of St. James? I'm not sure how he achieved his sainthood, but I suspect it had something to do with tolerating Glee on Tuesdays, scrapbooking getaways on weekends and King Cone stops on as many days as his whiney wife demands.

On the surface it sort of looks like anyone who puts up with me is a saint! Whoa.

Move over, St. James... St. LeRoy outranks you. Just by a bit!

1 comment:

Paul d said...

I acn't take all the credit as I couldn't do it without the assistance of your Aunt Sally & Uncle Charlie

St Paul