Thursday, November 17, 2011

Special Deliveries

Once your kid is in school -- well even preschool -- the fundraisers start and there is no end in sight. Now that Carter is going to a private school, the need for "extra" funding seems ten-fold. So pretty much any time one fundraiser ends, another starts.

Good thing I like some of the stuff he's selling!

We just picked up several boxes of those delicious Butter Braids he was selling in October. Tonight hubby and I split up the goods and each took a delivery route. He got to drop off orders out here in the country and I went to town.

Where was Carter in all this? I mean this is HIS fundraiser after all! Unfortunately, he was home on the couch with an "owie tummy" (as we used to say when he was little).

This is the second day he's come home with this. Yesterday he skipped basketball practice and came home to rest instead. He felt fine this morning, which was good since Daddy and Mommy had too much work to do to stay home. (Yes, we're terrible.) He called me at work, though, around 12:30 and said his stomach hurt again. I said, "Are you sure you can't tough it out a few hours? Or is it so bad you just can't make it?" Naturally, he says, "I just can't make it!"

Grandpa Austin's chauffeur business to the rescue!

So Carter had to miss basketball practice again. He got some rest, though, and then did his homework tonight when Jim and I ran around the countryside, spreading good cheer through frozen food!

What is Carter's next fundraiser? I'm glad you asked!

2012 Music Raffle Calendars. For $20 you get a calendar that not only fits in your purse or man bag, but gives you a chance to win money -- every day. My mom bought one last year and covered her expense with one $25 win on a day in May. Contact us for details.

Ha. I'm shameless. At this point I might as well put a plug in for my upcoming Scentsy party. Doing a book party starting Turkey weekend for these awesome "non-burning candles" of sorts. If you want to smell what you're missing, let me know and I'll stop by with samples. If you are interested in ordering, certainly get in touch with me.

I better stop. I don't want anyone to blame me if they don't have money to spend on Black Friday. And based on what I saw in "leaked" advertisements, there are some good deals to be had.

You just won't get a cute delivery guy like Jim or Carter Austin!

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